Paragraph on My Best Friend (100, 150, 200 & 250 Words)

Everyone has friends, but I have a very special one. This friend is always there for me, making me laugh and helping when things are tough. I want to tell you about my best friend and all the fun times we have together.

Paragraph on My Best Friend 100 Words

Anna is my best friend. We met at school. She has a big smile and is always kind. We like to play games and eat lunch together.

Paragraph on My Best Friend 100 Words

When I am sad, she helps me feel better. When she has a problem, I try to help her too. We share toys and tell each other secrets.

I like having Anna around because she makes me laugh. Sometimes we have little fights, but we always say sorry.

I’m glad Anna is my friend. Every day is fun with her.

paragraph for best friend girl

Jenny is my best friend. She is a girl with long hair and a bright smile. We became friends when we sat next to each other in class.

Jenny likes to wear pink dresses and loves to eat chocolate. We play together at recess and sometimes after school.

I like to visit her house because she has many fun toys. When I have a new toy or story, I always share it with her.

She does the same for me. We both love to watch cartoons and draw pictures.

Sometimes, when I’m feeling upset, Jenny listens to me. She tells me funny stories to make me laugh.

When she is sad, I try to make her feel better. I think that’s what best friends do. We help each other. On weekends, we often go to the park.

We like to swing and slide. Jenny is also very good at skipping rope. She taught me how to skip too. I am happy when Jenny is around. I hope we stay friends forever because she is the best.

Paragraph on My Best Friend 150 Words

My best friend is someone I can always count on, no matter what. His name is Ranjan, and he lives near my house.

Paragraph on My Best Friend 150 Words

We have been friends since we were little kids. We both love to play cricket, and he’s always there to help me with my homework.

When I’m sad, he knows just how to make me laugh. On my birthday, he always surprises me with thoughtful gifts.

Sometimes we argue, but we always say sorry and make up quickly. I trust him with all my secrets, and I know he trusts me too.

Ranjan isn’t just a friend; he’s like family to me. I feel lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

My Best Friends Paragraph 200 Words

Ranjan is my best friend. He lives just a few houses away from mine. We both go to the same school and are in the same grade.

My Best Friends Paragraph 200 Words

Ranjan has short black hair and likes to wear colorful t-shirts. Every evening, we play cricket outside. He’s an excellent bowler, and I’m the batsman.

When I find something difficult in my studies, Ranjan helps me out. He is really good at science, and I help him with history.

We often exchange books and comics. Whenever I feel down, he knows how to cheer me up with his funny jokes and stories.

For his last birthday, I gave him a puzzle game, and he was thrilled. On my birthday, he surprised me with a cool poster of my favorite superhero. We’ve made a pact to always support and stand by each other.

Having Ranjan as a friend feels like having a caring brother. I am truly fortunate to have him as my best friend.

My Best Friend Paragraph 250 Words

My best friend and I have known each other for many years. We first met at school when we were in the same class.

My Best Friend Paragraph 250 Words

Since then, our bond has grown stronger with each passing day. We share so many memories, from laughing at silly jokes to comforting each other during tough times.

We both have a lot in common, which is perhaps why we get along so well. Our favorite hobbies are reading books, watching movies, and going on long walks together.

During our walks, we chat about everything under the sun, from our dreams and hopes to the latest movie we watched. Our conversations never seem to end, and time flies by whenever we are together.

My best friend is truly a kind and understanding person. Whenever I’m upset or facing any problem, they always lend a listening ear and offer great advice.

They have taught me the value of patience, understanding, and kindness. Even on days when I’m not in the best of moods, they have the knack of bringing a smile to my face.

We have been through thick and thin together. There have been times when we disagreed or argued, but we always found a way to patch things up.

Our bond is unbreakable, and I am thankful every day for having such an amazing friend in my life. The trust and understanding we share is unparalleled.

In the journey of life, having a best friend like mine is like having a guiding star, always shining bright and showing the way.

Further Reading on Personal Reflections and Experiences

Here are some articles that delve deeper into these aspects:


In a world filled with fleeting acquaintances and passing moments, the bond I share with Ranjan stands as a testament to true friendship. You can also be use any other name and as well use as template for essay on my best friends. Our relationship, built on trust, understanding, and countless shared memories, is a cherished treasure. I realize that genuine friends like him are rare, making me value our connection even more. As the saying goes, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed,’ and Ranjan embodies this in every sense. I’m truly fortunate to have him by my side.

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