Essay On My Vision For India In 2047

When we think about the future, we dream of a better time. India will turn 100 years old as a free country in 2047. What will it look like?

This essay will talk about my dream for India in 2047. I’ve written this in different lengths – short, medium, and long.

So, whether you’re a young student in grade 1 or an older student in college, you’ll find something for you. Let’s dream about India’s future together!

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 100 Words

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 100 Words

In 2047, I dream of an India where everyone is happy and healthy. I want clean streets, green trees, and blue skies.

Kids should go to good schools, and everyone should have a job.. Every person will have enough food and a cozy home.

No one should be hungry. India should be friends with many countries and people should be kind to each other. Roads will be smooth, and buses and trains will be fast and safe.

I hope we remember our old stories and also make new ones.This is my simple dream for India when it turns 100 years free.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 150 Words

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 150 Words

In 2047, I wish to see a happy India.India will be 100 years free, and everyone will celebrate.

 I want every person to have food, a house, and a job.

Schools should be good, so all kids can learn and play. The air should be clean, and there should be many trees and plants.

I hope there are no sick people because hospitals will be there to help them. Trains and buses should be on time and safe for everyone.

There will be big parks in every town with lots of green trees where families can spend time. The air will be clean, and rivers will sparkle because there is no pollution.

People should help each other and be friends, even if they are different. It will be India’s 100th birthday of being free, and I hope it is the best place for everyone. This is my easy dream for India’s future.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 250 Words

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 250 Words

In 2047, India will be 100 years free. I have a big dream for India. Here’s how I imagine our country then:

Every person will wake up in a warm house. They will have yummy food on their table. No one will be hungry or sad. Every child, whether from a small village or a big city, will go to school. These schools will be colorful and full of fun books and toys. Teachers will tell fun stories, and all kids will love to learn.

There will be many trees everywhere. Birds will sing in the morning, and the air will smell fresh. Rivers will be blue and clean. Fish will play happily in the water. We won’t see trash on the streets because everyone will keep India tidy.

If someone feels sick, there will be hospitals nearby. Doctors and nurses will take care of them, and they will feel better soon. Traveling will be fun too. Buses, trains, and cars will run smoothly and won’t make too much noise.

All people, young and old, will smile and help each other. It won’t matter what language they speak or what clothes they wear. Everyone will be friends and care for one another.

Big celebrations will happen when India turns 100 years free. There will be songs, dances, and lots of tasty treats. Everyone, from kids to grandparents, will join in the joy.

In my dream for India in 2047, Digital India’s essence will be realized fully, ensuring all citizens, irrespective of their location, have access to electronic services, fostering transparency, inclusivity, and digital empowerment across the nation.

This is my easy and happy dream for India in 2047.

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 250 Words

My Vision For India In 2047 Essay In English 250 Words

In 2047, India will celebrate a special day. It will be 100 years since India became free. I have a big, simple dream for how India will look then.

Imagine waking up every day with the sound of happy birds. Every person in India, whether they live in a village hut or a city flat, will have a cozy place to sleep. The first thing they’ll do is eat a tasty breakfast. No one will feel hungry or sad because there will be enough food for everyone.

Kids, like you and me, will wear clean uniforms and go to schools. These schools will be big and colorful. There will be big playgrounds with swings and slides. Inside the classrooms, teachers will make learning fun. They’ll use songs, games, and stories. Everyone will love going to school, and no one will feel left out.

Now, think about our beautiful nature. Everywhere you look, you’ll see green trees and colorful flowers. The sky will be the bluest blue because the air will be clean. We won’t see any trash around, as all of us will learn to throw garbage in bins. Rivers will sparkle, and fishes will dance in them. We will play near these rivers, and the water will be safe.

When someone feels unwell, they won’t worry. There will be clean hospitals close by. Kind doctors and nurses will be there to help. With their care, people will get better quickly.

Traveling from one place to another will be easy. Roads will be wide and smooth. Buses and trains will be bright and clean. They will always come on time. People will travel happily, talking and laughing together.

In this future India, people will care about each other. Everyone, whether they’re from the North, South, East, or West, will be friends. They will share stories, food, and happiness. Nobody will feel alone because neighbors will be like family.

Festivals will be the happiest times. When India turns 100 years free, there will be a big party. Everywhere, there will be music, dance, and food. People of all ages, from little babies to old grandparents, will come together. They will celebrate India’s freedom and its bright future.

In short, my dream for India in 2047 is simple. It is an India where everyone is happy, safe, and together. Where we all care for each other, and our beautiful country shines bright for everyone to see.


In 2047, as India marks its centenary of independence, the vision is clear: a nation where tradition meets innovation, and where every citizen experiences the full benefits of digital empowerment.

The aspirations of a new India, digitally connected and inclusively grown, are not just dreams but achievable realities.

As we work towards this bright future, the core essence of India—its unity in diversity, its spirit of brotherhood, and its ancient wisdom—will remain its guiding light, ensuring prosperity, progress, and peace for all.

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