Short Speech On Democracy

Speeches on democracy! These are perfect for school or college events. Dive in, pick your favorite, and share the value of every voice in a democracy with your audience. 

Here we provide more than 1 speech which includes 100, 200 and 300 words speech which you can perform for a minute to several minutes.

Short Speech On Democracy 100 Words

Short Speech On Democracy 100 Words

This is the too short speech on democracy

Hello, everyone!

Democracy is like a big classroom where everyone gets to say what they feel. It means every person’s voice is heard.

In a democracy, we choose our leaders by voting. It’s like picking a class captain!

This way, everyone has a part in making decisions. It’s special because it gives power to us, the people.

Just like in school, it’s important to listen, respect, and work together. That’s how we make our country better.

So, let’s always value our right to speak and choose. That’s the beauty of democracy.

Thank you!

Short Speech On Democracy 200 Words

Short Speech On Democracy 200 Words

Hey everyone!

Democracy is a special way of living and making decisions. Think of it as a big team game where everyone gets a chance to play. In this game, each person’s opinion counts. How? Through voting! Voting is like raising our hand in class to share our thoughts.

In democracy, we don’t let just one person decide everything. We all chip in. We pick leaders who will listen to us and take care of our needs. It’s a lot like choosing a class representative who speaks for all of us.

The cool thing about democracy is that it lets everyone have a voice, no matter how old, young, big, or small they are. It’s like everyone getting a turn to speak at a big family dinner.

But here’s the thing: for democracy to work, we all need to participate. That means voting, talking about our ideas, and listening to others too. We should be proud to have a say and always be ready to use our voice.

Remember, in our democracy team game, every player is important. Let’s make sure we all get in the game and play our part!

Thanks for listening!

Short Speech On Democracy 300 Words

Short Speech On Democracy 300 Words

Hello everyone!

Have you ever been in a group where you had to make a decision together? Maybe picking a game to play, or choosing a movie to watch? That’s a bit like democracy. Democracy is a way for a whole country to make big choices together.

In democracy, everyone has a voice. It’s not about one person saying, “This is how things will be!” Instead, it’s like everyone in a group getting a chance to say, “I think this would be best.” And how do we do that? By voting! Voting is our way of raising our hand and saying, “This is my choice.”

When we vote, we choose leaders. These leaders are like the captains of a team. But they don’t just decide things on their own. They listen to what we want because they work for us. That’s the beauty of democracy.

But here’s something really important: for democracy to be strong, everyone needs to join in. Just like in a team game, if some players sit out and don’t play, the team isn’t at its best. We need to vote, talk about our ideas, and also listen to others.

Democracy also means that even if our choice doesn’t win today, we respect the group’s decision. And guess what? There’s always a next time to try again. That’s the fair play of democracy.

Lastly, democracy is like a treasure. It’s precious. Some people in the world don’t have the chance to speak up like we do. So, let’s value our democracy, take part, and always remember that in this big group decision, every single voice counts.

Thank you for listening, and let’s celebrate our team game of democracy together!


Democracy is like a team game where everyone’s voice matters. Voting is our way of participating and making choices together. Let’s value and protect this precious gift, ensuring every voice is heard.

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